Rebecca Lougheed
FO A380

“Growing up in the UK near Duxford Airport, I always loved seeing old bi-planes flying overhead and wondering where they flew to, how those wing worked! As I grew older a love for physics and learning about the science behind things, combined with a passion for travel and adventure, led me to start my flight training.
I carried out my initial training in South Africa, where I got to fly into Namibia and around South Africa, falling in love with flying, the country, and my husband!
My first flying job was in Ireland doing Ordnance Survey work. I then started at my first airline flying the BAE146. This is a 4 engine jet... which handles like a huge light aircraft! After 6 years I moved to Dubai to fly the A330 and after one year I was moved onto the A380.
Having the opportunity to have flown what is probably the smallest, slowest 4 engine jet, and now the biggest has been a highlight of my career so far.
Emirates has shown me 6 continents, different cultures, countries and so many amazing challenges.
I am passionate about encouraging the new generation of pilots, especially young females into this profession which offers a dynamic, exciting role filled with responsibility, challenges and adventure.”

Rebecca Lougheed,
First Officer A380.