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Naouel Belayachi

Commercial Pilot

ATC Instructor,
Ground Instructor,
Flight Instructor.

Naouel Belayachi

"My name is Naouel Belayachi I'm commercial pilot, flight and ground instructor.

Flying has always been a childhood dream I was inspired by other pilots around me back home going to the cockpit as child looking at this magical machine and asking lot of questions to those inspiring pilots with beautiful white uniforms looking at me with big smile telling me study well you will be able to fly on of this in the future.

So it was my dream. And it became true !!!!!

After I graduated I looked for more challenges and went to do flight instructor license and started to train students and lot of ladies from the Arabian Section of the 99s in Jordan.

Now I'm doing new challenge I'm working as ATC instructor for me aviation is a big world that I never stop to explore.
Looking for new challenges and new adventures!!!

I'm proud to be a part of the Arabian Section of the 99s family, looking forward to meet all of you ladies!"

Naouel Belayachi


Naouel Belayachi

ATC instructor,
Ground Instructor,
Flight Instructor.

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